Welcome to ISD
Providing dependable & affordable novel innovative diagnostics solutions to the health care sector
Who we are?
ISD is a medical diagnostics company providing innovative medical diagnostic solutions for the health care industry in the emergency and critical care departments of hospitals ensuring precise and reliable test reports at the shortest Turn Around Time enabling effective patient management at an affordable price.
In enhancing the corporate status of its presence in the industry ISD upgraded its services, dedicating itself to cater effectively to the needs in the emergency departments of Government Hospitals by providing innovative solutions.
This innovative Medical Diagnostic Concepts were also launched in the emergency Departments in India in the year 2010.
Intensive surveys carried out with large volume government hospitals in India and pilot projects carried out earlier in Sri Lanka, which is of a smaller sample size gave the company confidence to pursue further in tying up partnership with world renowned manufacturers and the formulation of custom made clinical diagnostic solutions, meeting the emerging trends of the future.
The first step of our successful launch was the Cardiac Bio Markers which was followed by other related Bio markers which are now being used extensively.
ISD whilst partnering with world renowned manufacturers of integrated innovative clinical diagnostic solutions to meet the future trends in the industry and adequately geared up with laboratory facilities for quality control testing, research and development programs tied up with clinicians for feedback and reference points through leading Government Hospitals is a remarkable achievement.
ISD being in the forefront to be the first company to partner with manufacturers for tailor made test kits to suit the clinicians’ requirements and to enhance the prompt decision based treatment owing to early diagnosis which benefits in early and effective management of patient recovery.
It is noteworthy that ISD has achieved world record volumes on selected tests in hospitals owing to its fine tuned and well-focused concept strategies. This was made possible owing to the dedication and the passion that our dynamic team of Application specialist rendered towards the Company’s vision.

To be a true provider of High Quality Health Care Facilities, to Patients by Partnering with dedicated Medical Professionals in the Industry, ensuring availability at an affordable price.
To achieve Market Leadership through: Partnering and networking amongst dedicated Professionals and Accredited Bodies to identify needs of Patients and Clients in Key Markets and offering solutions that go beyond satisfaction Grooming Employees to adopt more Socially responsible behavior in all we do to ensure patient’s recovery and Comfort. To be the best Health Care Company in the country that is always stable and that provides fast but dependable solutions to patients at all times. Set an Example as a Company that Eradicates corruption and malpractice in the Health Care Industry to the best of our ability Partnering with reputed innovative product manufacturers across the Globe for required products.
Our Values
Our corporate strategy defines the kind of Company what we are known for in this industry, “service to a human life comes first”.
Our Journey
1996 - Establishment
ISD was established in the year 1996. From the inception ISD engaged itself in an effective distributor network using its background strengths of its founders who had a vast knowledge, exposure and experience of 10 years that contributed immensely with adequate data which gave the team the confidence, to effectively promote and sell a range of rapid test manufactured by reputed companies to the laboratories and general practitioners which, operation was a great success within a short period of 1 year.
ISD focused mainly on GP Doctors, with a view of establishing a concept that enabled them to treat and manage patients better with immediate test result in their chamber itself, without any delay in obtaining test results, as the trend at that time was only outside lab testing was in practice on which the doctors to be totally dependent.
The doctors were later able to use the new rapid test convenience and perform test such as hCG, blood glucose, UFR and almost all infectious diseases screening, in their chamber itself, and there by now being able to treat and manage patients effectively.
This was a breakthrough in the history of medical diagnostic which even earned the company it’s nickname ‘’THE RAPID TEST COMPANY’’ owing to the effectiveness of this operation.
1999 - Promotions
In the year 1999 was a year of remarkable achievement for ISD as it joined hands with reputed manufactures and distributers to establish novel concept in the industry to provide convenience and dependability to the larger laboratories where a dedicated team was required to promote the innovation.
A classic example was the introduction of the vitros clinical chemistry and immunoassay system from Ortho clinical diagnostic was launched under the supervision of Mr. Deva Martin working on a contractual basis and his team from ISD whose intensive promotional activities made the launched a success through effective promotional activities. The rapid test market coverage also gained substantial growth due to the increase in the number of personal covering the entire country.
2003 - Developments
In the year 2003, ISD as a company face tremendous threat through unavoidable macro effects especially with the war in the country at its peak, and was forced to slow down like all other company in the private sector and many companies in the industry were pushed to practice retrenchment solutions. ISD was one of the few companies that with stood the shock and retained all of its employees and found solutions strategically and not only maintain sustainability, but also developed products which became the only source of availability during that time of crisis.
It was noteworthy and was highly comment by the medical profession for programs such as developing a manually operated nebulizer and Suction Units, were used on patients at a time where there was no electricity. ISD at this period of time in addition to the above also serviced and refurbished almost all medical appliances which are still being used in both the Government and Private Hospitals Island wide.
ISD also manufactured hospital furniture that was sold at an affordable price to the hospitals and also later catered to customers in the southern state of India as well.
The above service note worthily enhanced the confidence levels the customers had towards ISD ASSOCIATES and further improved relationships, which even to date is a distinct competitive edge.
2007 - ISD LABS
In June 2007 ISD Associates (Private) Limited Launched ISD LABS as its subsidiary which is a “State of the Art Laboratory”. ISD labs mainly caters to the patients of the National Hospital (the largest Government hospital in the Capital of Sri Lanka) and is located in the same Hospital Square of the National Hospital.
ISD Labs which is situated (at Hospital Square) in close proximity to the National Hospital of Sri Lanka which has 72 Wards and also within reach to the De Soysa Maternity Hospital, the cardiology Unit, the Neurology Unit, the Eye Hospital, The Orthopedic Unit, the Lady Ridgeway Pediatric Hospital, Castle Street women’s Hospital, the Epidemiology Unit, The Medical Research Institute and the Faculty of Medicine. (more)
We build long-term partnership as our logo/moto ….. “Partnering for a better health care Culture” with our customers and with their support reach the underprivileged and ignorant patients so that they may be provided enhanced quality of product and service through innovative products and methods with sense of avidity, responsibility and affordable pricing.